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Restoration Church: Loudoun is a campus of Floris United Methodist Church. We are a new faith community in the Dulles South area focused on transforming lives and building community. We strive to be church that is centered on Jesus Christ, who taught us to love God with all our hearts and minds and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Restoration?
The name “Restoration” comes from a belief that we are all deeply loved by God, and through God we can experience hope and renewal. At Restoration, we strive to be a church where all people can come as they are, find community, build real relationships and grow in their faith.

Are you affiliated with another church?
Yes. We are a campus of Floris United Methodist Church. Floris UMC helps grow new faith communities to connect with people who don’t currently go to church or don’t feel connected to a community.

Where do you worship?
We worship at Mercer Middle School on Sundays at 10 a.m.

How do we contact you?
Contact our pastor, Jake McGlothin, at  jmcglothin@restorationloudoun.org. He would love to meet you!