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Plant the seeds for re-engagement.

Deeply Rooted is a season to re-engage and rebuild our relationships and our faith. We have the opportunity to deepen our spiritual practices through weekly life groups, community service projects, and other ways to strengthen our beliefs.

Deeply Rooted offers a unique chance to plant ourselves in our Christian practice. We will engage in our community in a way that will have a lasting impact on our lives and the lives of our neighbors in Dulles South and throughout Loudoun County.

During this planting season, we seek to:

  • GROW together in Christ
  • BUILD community
  • SHARE Christ’s love with our neighbors
  • ACT with justice and compassion

Weekly nourishment to sustain growth.

Reconnect with others as you grow.

Life Groups allow members to journey towards deeper discipleship, transformation, and engagement. Life Groups are:

  • virtual and in-person
  • for kids, teens and adults
  • currently on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
  • formed as needed. If you would like to join an existing group or form a new one, contact Jake at jmcglothin@restorationloudoun.org.

Learn more about developing your roots.