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Floris UMC/Restoration strives to reach all people with the love and compassion of Christ. We do so by building relationships and creating an authentic and inclusive community.

Through this vision, our leadership seeks to understand your hopes and desires in a post-COVID world for

  • Christian discipleship
  • spirituality
  • building a vital church community

Your voice is essential to gaining a comprehensive perspective as we envision the future of Floris UMC/Restoration. Please consider attending our listening and discovery session or completing the survey.

Listening & Discovery Survey

Your feedback is still important. Please take a few minutes to provide your thoughts and opinions in a short survey.

Take the Survey >

Listening & Discovery Session

October 2, 11 a.m.

Childcare is available.

For more information, contact Jake McGlothin at jmcglothin@restorationloudoun.org.

Upcoming Events

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